Instructor of Record

Machine Learning for Medicine

HEART course, JHU Whiting School of Engineering.

(Upcoming) Fall 2024.

A fun course with interactive coding simulations and no prerequisites.

Course Development

Introduction to Data Science Jupyter Notebooks

As Head TA for two semesters, I improved upon previous iterations of the course by (re)developing all homeworks, section notebooks, and exams. They consist of coding exercises in jupyter notebooks, mathematical derivations, and discussion questions to reflect on core concepts

Primary Instructor: Tamás Budavári.

Picture-ridden Vector Calculus Solutions Guide

Full homework solutions for Honors Calculus (MATH 0350, Spring 2021) at Brown University. Available to Brown instructors/TA on request.

Textbook: Vector Calculus (6th Ed), Marsden & Tromba.

sample pdf | MATLAB code for plots