Research and Projects
My current research lies in using machine learning and bayesian statistics for analyzing medical data. I am interested in using techniques that involve change of bases, like Fourier transforms or spectral decompositions.
In the past, I had a taste for using creating medical treatment plans using mathematical optimization. Before that, I had a stint in more theoretical mathematics, generating algorithms for problems in computational algebra.
Course projects reflect my desire to blend interesting theory, modern applications, and computational tractability--take a look at some of them!
(2024-29) NSF GRFP
(2024) MINDS Fellowship, JHU
(2022-23) Bradford Fellowship, JHU
See Google Scholar.
Graduate Research
Machine Learning for Medical Data Analysis
Mentors: Tamás Budavári (JHU Applied Math and Statistics), Rohan Mathur (JHU School of Medicine)
Analyzing patient data from the ICU at the Neurosciences Critical Care Unit (NCCU).
Undergraduate Research
Mathematical Optimization Approaches to Radiation Therapy Treatments of Brain Metastases
Mentors: David Papp, Maria Macaulay.
Ideated and tested large-scale, mixed integer optimization models that assessed the benefits of non-uniformly fractionated treatment plans.
Line Solitons in the Kadomstev-Petviashvili Equations
Brown University
Mentor: Justin Holmer
Coded numerical simulations to investigate the stability of line solitons in KP equations.
Real Power of Monomial Ideals
Polymath Jr. REU 2020
Mentors: Alexandra Seceleanu, Benjamin Drabkin, Tingting Tang.
Designed 3 algorithms that compute the real power of monomial ideals and implemented in Macaulay2.
Class Projects
Sparse Recovery Using Basis Pursuit and Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
Recovered sparse images using probabilistic algorithms. With Justin Bennett and Ryan Pilgrim.
High-dimensional Approximation, Probability, and Statistical Learning, Spring 2023.
Knot (dis)equivalence by knot-coloring
15-min lesson on distinguishing between knots using knot-coloring. With Alexander Ivanov.
Topology, Fall 2020.

Pattern Formation in Sandpile Models
Used computer simulations to investigate symmetries and stability of sandpile avalanches.
Applied Dynamical Systems, Spring 2020.

Connect 4
Terminal based game of Connect 4, written in ReasonML. Players can be Human or AI. Joint-winner of the class' AI tournament. With Will Chen.
Computer Science: An Integrated Introduction, Fall 2019.