Research and Projects

My current research lies in using machine learning and bayesian statistics for analyzing medical data. I am interested in using techniques that involve change of bases, like Fourier transforms or spectral decompositions.

In the past, I had a taste for using creating medical treatment plans using mathematical optimization. Before that, I had a stint in more theoretical mathematics, generating algorithms for problems in computational algebra.

Course projects reflect my desire to blend interesting theory, modern applications, and computational tractability--take a look at some of them!



Graduate Research

Machine Learning for Medical Data Analysis

Mentors: Tamás Budavári (JHU Applied Math and Statistics), Rohan Mathur (JHU School of Medicine)

Undergraduate Research

Mathematical Optimization Approaches to Radiation Therapy Treatments of Brain Metastases


Mentors: David Papp, Maria Macaulay.

Line Solitons in the Kadomstev-Petviashvili Equations

Brown University

Mentor: Justin Holmer

Real Power of Monomial Ideals

Polymath Jr. REU 2020

Mentors: Alexandra SeceleanuBenjamin Drabkin, Tingting Tang.

Class Projects

Sparse Recovery Using Basis Pursuit and Orthogonal Matching Pursuit

High-dimensional Approximation, Probability, and Statistical Learning, Spring 2023.

Chirp Signal Detection using Wavelets

Wavelets and Applications, Spring 2021.

pdf | code

Knot (dis)equivalence by knot-coloring

Topology, Fall 2020.


Age-structured Population Models

Applied PDE, Fall 2020.

pdf | code

(video) ~60% -

Pattern Formation in Sandpile Models

Applied Dynamical Systems, Spring 2020.

pdf | images/videos | simulator (p5)


Connect 4

Computer Science: An Integrated Introduction, Fall 2019.